
Reviewing and Updating Your Estate Plan

It’s been a couple of years since I last wrote about the need to review and update your estate plan. A lot can happen in only a couple of years – marriage, purchase of a new home, the birth of a child. My particular situation involves two out of the three life events listed above. …

A True Wealth Moment

Have you ever had a moment when it seems like time stops for a second and you say to yourself, “wow…this is awesome”, or you have a wave of happiness and the feeling of being very grateful for life? I define these times as True Wealth moments.

What True Wealth Means to Me

Published by Mark Lookabill, Wealth Advisor I was reminded this past week of what really embodies “True Wealth.”

Are Your Customers Ready to “Brexit”?

Published by Ron Carson The U.K.’s dramatic vote to leave the EU was a powerful signal to every business leader: If you are not providing value beyond a doubt, you’re in trouble.

Using Rationale While Investing

Published by Jake Bleicher and the Carson Wealth Investment Committee A strategic wealth management plan often focuses on investment allocation. Empirical evidence suggests that asset allocation explains 91.5% of return variation over time (Brinson, Singer & Beebower 1991). By that logi …

Passive vs. Active Investing

Published by Rob Furlong One of the biggest debates in the investment world right now is the question of whether investors are better served by active or passive approaches. Each camp makes passionate arguments for their side, but for now passive investing is winning the battle by gathering …

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